“Diagnosis and Treatment of Atypical Reflux Symptoms in the Absence of PPI Response”
September 12, 2017“Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Symptoms Better Predict the Presence of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma than Typical Gastroesophageal Reflux Symptoms”
September 20, 2017Ptok M, Ptok A. HNO. 2012 Mar;60(3):200-205.
OBJECTIVES: Chronic hoarseness, globus sensation or mucous obstruction are among a wide range of symptoms possibly related to laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).
RESULTS: A selective literature research was carried out using PubMed, in which original articles and reviews in German and English were included. Altogether, 2541 articles were found. Despite the large number of publications, there are still open questions regarding aspects of LPR.
CONCLUSION: It can be assumed that refluxate reaching the larynx can damage it. Due to the fact that the symptoms possibly related to LPR can, however, be linked to other causes, a careful consideration of the patient’s medical history is of the utmost importance, followed by mandatory laryngoscopy. Diagnostic procedures, such as the trial administration of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) or long-term pH measurement should be used selectively. Depending on the individual symptoms, breathing or voice therapy and/or PPI therapy might be useful. Lifestyle changes including dietary measures should also be contemplated.