“Extraesophageal Reflux Disease in Children”
September 12, 2017“Laryngopharyngeal Reflux and Laryngeal Complaints”
September 12, 2017Bajbouj M. HNO. 2012 Mar:60(3):193-199.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a frequent chronic disorder occurring in two forms: on the one hand, typical symptoms such as heartburn and acid regurgitation are seen, while on the other hand atypical (extraesophageal) symptoms such as chronic cough, hoarseness, recurrent sinusitis, globus sensations in the throat, a burning feeling on the tongue, dental erosions and the constant need to clear the throat can be associated with gastroesophageal reflux. The standard therapeutic medical procedure comprises the administration of acid-suppressive agents, proton pump inhibitors (PPI). However, this therapy has proved to be ineffective in a number of patients, especially in atypical GERD. Only after reliable identification of the GERD patient by using valid diagnostic tools medical or interventional therapeutic options can be applied individually. In the absence of atypical GERD symptoms, the diagnosis of GERD becomes very unlikely and other causes of the symptoms need to be taken into consideration.