“Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux on Post-Treatment Symptoms and Hypopharyngeal pH”
September 8, 2017“Does Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Cause Intraoral Burning Sensations? A Preliminary Study”
September 8, 2017Jungheim M, Ptok M. HNO. 2011 Sep;59(9):893-9.
OBJECTIVES: A new oropharyngeal pH measuring system with a single channel probe has recently been introduced. The aim of this study was to compare oropharyngeal pHmetry with the existing diagnostic methods for extraesophageal reflux disease and to present initial results in our own patients.
RESULTS: Evaluation scales, trial proton pump inhibitor therapy or pHmetry, for example, can be used to diagnose extraesophageal reflux disease. pHmetry can be performed using a classical twochannel pHmetry system; a new oropharyngeal pH measuring system has recently been introduced. This new method has been evaluated in initial studies for normative data and has been compared to two channel pHmetry. Prospective randomised studies to diagnose extraesophageal reflux disease with the new oropharyngeal pHmetry method are still lacking.
CONCLUSION: Oropharyngeal pHmetry has some potential advantages compared to classical twochannel pHmetry; however, a lot of questions remain unanswered. These will be discussed and illustrated with the help of a number of own patient case reports.