“Correlation Between Oropharyngeal pH-Monitoring and Esophageal pH-Impedance Monitoring in Patients with Suspected GERD-Related Extraesophageal Symptoms”
September 8, 2017“Preoperative Diagnostic Workup Before Antireflux Surgery: An Evidence and Experience-Based Consensus of the Esophageal Diagnostic Advisory Panel”
September 9, 2017Worrell SG, DeMeester SR, Greene CL, Oh DS, Hagen JA. Surg Endosc. 2013 Jul;27(11):4113-8.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine whether proximal esophageal or pharyngeal pH monitoring better identified patients with extraesophageal symptoms that improved after antireflux surgery.
RESULTS: There were 20 patients identified. Antireflux surgery led to a successful outcome in 14 patients (70 %). Restech better identified patients with extraesophageal symptoms who had a successful outcome with antireflux surgery (12 of 14 [86 %] based on abnormal Restech versus 5 of 10 [50 %] based on abnormal proximal probe, p = 0.06). Comparing only the 15 patients who had both proximal esophageal and pharyngeal pH monitoring, Restech again better identified those who had a successful outcome with antireflux surgery (9 of 10 [90 %] based on abnormal Restech versus 5 of 10 [50 %] based on abnormal proximal probe, p = 0.05). The positive and negative predictive values for symptomatic improvement after a fundoplication were better for an abnormal Restech score than for an abnormal proximal esophageal score (80 vs. 71 % and 60 vs. 38 %, respectively). In two patients with a successful outcome, Restech was the only positive test.
CONCLUSION: In patients with extraesophageal reflux symptoms, proximal esophageal pH monitoring failed to identify half of the patients who had a successful outcome after antireflux surgery. In contrast, an abnormal Restech pH test was present in 90 % of patients with a successful outcome. Further, a negative Restech study more reliably indicated the absence of reflux-induced extraesophageal symptoms. Our results indicate that Restech pharyngeal pH monitoring should be utilized in the evaluation of patients with extraesophageal symptoms that may be associated with reflux disease.